How Redeem Vacations Works

  1. You have 18 months to enjoy this incentive so you do not need travel dates today to get started.
  2. Activate your Hotel stay within 7 days of receiving by simply paying our recovery costs for the local government taxes and tourism fees.
  3. Check your email after activation for link to manage your trip.
  4. Next step simply login and Select your preferred travel dates and view available Hotels.
  5. Then simply Choose hotel and room type from available and participating hotels.
  6. For Best Hotel / Resort options and availability search weekday travel with check-in from Sunday - Thursdays, also some weekends may have small surcharges or limited availability.
  7. Certain Holidays and special events may have limited or no availability keep in mind you have an 18 month period to select amazing Hotel & Resort options.
  8. Each vacation is designed as a couple's getaway - the majority of available room types will be for up to 2 adults. Some destinations may not have room configurations with availability for children. Adding children may reduce your hotel options or available date selections.
  9. GROUP travel is NOT allowed only 1 party among friends, family, acquaintances or known groups can use the complimentary vacation incentive for the same or overlapping travel dates.